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Addressing the Full Spectrum of Diabetes Education and Support Needs

Services Overview

A wide array of services to meet your patients wherever they are in their diabetes journey.

Patients face challenges on multiple fronts when trying to manage their diabetes. It can be overwhelming for them to navigate the full complexity of their diagnosis. This is why My Diabetes Tutor offers a comprehensive range of personalized services that address each aspect of the diabetes management journey, including:


MDT provides education in support for patients at every stage of the diabetes journey, including:

  • Patients with type 1 diabetes

  • Patients newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

  • Patients who have been living with type 1 or type 2 diabetes for years

  • Patients on the cusp of a diagnosis

  • Patients with gestational diabetes

Our full spectrum of services includes:

  • Virtual Coaching - Personalized education and support from certified and experienced clinicians that address your unique pain points, health issues, and lifestyle factors. Medical Nutrition Therapy - Comprehensive education on the role of nutrition in controlling your blood glucose and insights on how to strike a balance between sensible
    and satisfying eating.

  • Device Training - Our specialists work with your patients to ensure they’re using their devices correctly and that they have help in the event of any complications so they’re getting the most out of them. We provide education and training on a wide range of medical devices, including Insulin Pumps, Blood Glucose Meters, Continuous Glucose
    Monitors, and others.

How Can MDT Help Your Patients?

My Diabetes Tutor is ready to partner with you to help your patients address and overcome the unique challenges of managing their diabetes. Whether they need help navigating dietary and medication needs, using their devices, or getting guidance on the importance of A1C and other important diabetes benchmarks, our representatives are here to provide the support and assistance they need. Contact us today to start referring patients with just a few easy clicks or to set up a meeting.

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