Empowering and Supporting Patients
on Their Diabetes Journey
Expert diabetes guidance, support, and education.
The educators and support staff at MyDiabetesTutor℠ understand the impact of untreated diabetes.
They also understand the extraordinary improvements in health and quality of life for those who are informed, educated, and empowered to independently manage their diagnosis. This knowledge, combined with their commitment to their patients, led to the formation of our program.
Our founder has partnered with a team of experienced and qualified clinicians to develop a comprehensive program that helps our patients through every point of their diabetes journey. Each individual program is guided by doctors and care providers who understand patients’ unique pain points and can provide personalized education and support to empower them.
At a time when an overwhelming majority of the country does not have any access to diabetes education programs, according to the CDC, My Diabetes Tutor presents a viable solution, particularly for rural areas where diabetes rates are 17% higher than in urban areas.
We revolutionize diabetes education by bringing it directly to you, at home, in your office, or wherever you prefer. Our mission is to empower individuals with diabetes through comprehensive learning experiences. Our Diabetes Education Telehealth program offers ten one virtual sessions, following the American Diabetes Association's standards of care.
Affordable healthcare is essential, and we built MDT to make our services accessible. We leverage telehealth to eradicate distance and access to transit gaps. My Diabetes Tutor is covered by most insurance providers, so there are typically no costs other than a small co-pay. Many patients pay nothing at all.
MDT maintains the highest standards, with national accreditation from the American Association of Diabetes Educators, reflecting the exceptional quality and effectiveness of our approach.
Our Purpose
Dr. Prem Sahasranam, Board Certified Endocrinologist and founder of this company, has over 15 years of experience caring for individuals with diabetes and is a faculty member of Loma Linda University School of Medicine, Loma Linda, CA. Dr. Sahasranam lives and works in Central California. Diabetes occurs at higher rates in rural versus urban areas. People living in these rural areas have higher numbers of diabetes-related complications.
This motivated Dr. Sahasranam to develop My Diabetes Tutor, Inc. Understanding that with appropriate diabetes self-management education and support, people with diabetes can learn how to best manage their diabetes which can prevent developing complications from diabetes.
Many people living with diabetes are not aware of the need to participate in these and other types of activities which will improve their lives.
Those who are aware, may not have access to this gold standard of care. In rural areas, for example, diabetes education is very challenging; technology is helpful and effective in reaching many people who lead busy lives or who live too far away to get this critical component of care.
Most primary care providers have limited time and resources to educate people they see with diabetes. The national standards cover 10 hours of diabetes education because there is so much detail. The team at My Diabetes Tutor, Inc. wants to fill this gap and help out people get the care they need to they can live life without being slowed down by diabetes!