Doctor- Recommended,
Working with your care team to achieve real results.
Increase in eGFR kidney function
Decrease in Triglycerides
Decrease in LDL
Average A1C Reduction
The Proof is in the Progress
Study data shows MyDiabetesTutor℠ patients experience significant improvements in all key health outcomes.
Our program has helped patients lower their A1C, stabilize their blood sugar, improve weight loss, get more quality sleep, reduce health complications, and more effectively manage their medication.
Success Stories
“My MDT educator taught me about A1c, healthy foods, exercise, and continuous glucose monitoring. We met virtually after work on a biweekly basis, and I appreciated her flexibility. My A1C has dropped from 8.2% to 6.9%.”
"I was hesitant to meet with an educator at first because I have met with other dieticians before and it wasn’t beneficial. Meeting with my educator has been beneficial in many ways. We had a connection that allowed me to ask questions and I didn’t feel intimidated. My educator taught me about A1c, healthy foods, exercise and continuous glucose monitoring. We met virtually after work on a biweekly basis and I appreciated her flexibility. My A1c has dropped from 8.2% to 6.9%. Thanks My Diabetes Tutor!"
“I feel like everything that I've learned has given me the opportunity to get a grip on my life and have a better understanding of how diabetes is affecting me so I can take control of it.”